
Teen-Age Problems

Teen-agers and the youth are often the worst sufferers of mental stress and trauma, though they may not always look it. Anxiety, aggression, heart-breaks, anger and frustration stem from the feeling of isolation from parents at this stage. They are adventurous, desirous to explore the unknown, but at the same time fearful. They feel misunderstood and often bottle up their emotions within themselves. Commonly seen at this age are the introverts, the hyper-active, attention-seeking ones, the angry and aggressive ones as well as the ones suffering from romantic and sexual tensions. In these crucial years of their lives, mistakes occur. Societal norms and judgmental adults infuse them with guilt. Their performance and social behavior suffer. This age-group, as a result, remains the area of special focus for counseling, because the individuals at this stage of life need special nurturing. Professional help works wonders in their lives.

Career Counseling

A very common problem faced by the adolescents and the 20 plus is that they can’t decide what they...

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Personal Counseling

Since this is also the age when one often gets psychologically distanced from family, peer-group matters a lot...

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