
Better U

Teen-Age Problems

Teen-agers and the youth are often the worst sufferers of mental stress and trauma, though they may not always look it. Read More →

Better U


Because of the complexities of today’s life, anxiety is something that is a common stressor to individuals of all age-groups. Read More →

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It is an extreme & deep rooted fear about something that makes it impossible for the individual to function normally.. Read More →

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Life’s challenges are many; especially in the modern, competitive world. One needs to be real tough to take failures when.. Read More →

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Anger management

Uncontrolled anger can be disastrous in life and can cause misery to self and others. It can spoil relationships, break homes.. Read More →

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It is very commonly seen in children, but throwing temper tantrum is not altogether uncommon in adults either. Read More →

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A certain amount of stress is needed in life, as it pushes a person to take that extra effort for that icing on the cake. Read More →

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Family conflicts

Conflicts in the family occur, and they are often managed within the family itself. But sometimes it takes such shape and size.. Read More →

Better U

Life Transitions

It is often so difficult to accept change in life and move on with time. Change is inevitable, as is ageing and graying. Read More →