Gopa's Journey

After a long spell of more than 16 years in the field of teaching, Gopa changed her course and took up counseling. During her teaching years she was closely associated with the adolescent as well as the youth in their 20s. She observed them and as a mentor, tried to help them in their struggles with studies, coping with emotions, insecurities and confusions typical of this age.

Better U

Though she had an excellent rapport with her students, her deep interest in the human psychology and the way it functions, her thirst to know more about the origin and the causes of human behavior the way it is manifested in people as they progress in life, and the strong desire to render a healing touch to the bruised and wounded mind made her quit her teaching profession and join the M. S. University of Baroda to study counseling.

The skills of counseling and the in-depth knowledge of the human psyche that she gained there, plus her years of experience with people who have sought her help in their difficult times of life, added with her natural compassion, ability to understand others and a genuine desire to be of assistance to all who needed it, urged her to take up counseling in a big way, convinced that she could make a difference and determined that she would.